Tashan Mehta is a young Parsi girl, only 26 years old, and this is her first book, and she’s been listed with very highly reputed authors in these two lists.
Her book will only be out in early July 2017.
Please do buy and read it!
“The Liar’s Weave” by Tashan Mehta (Juggernaut)
Born into an alternate history of our world where birth charts are real and one’s life is mapped out in the stars, Zahan Merchant has a unique problem: He is born without a future. This cosmic mistake gives him an unusual power: The ability to change reality with his lies. From a Parsi colony in early 20th-century Bombay to the urban hinterland of Vidroha, forest of outcasts, Mehta’s debut novel transports the reader to an India both familiar and strange, where the consequences of magic on reality can be wondrous yet heartbreaking.
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Read more about Five books to look forward to in June 2017 on Business Standard. Not all books live up to the expectations of the readers. Much-anticipated books will …