Dear Friends,
Here is an interesting book “Cyrus the Great – Celestial Sovereign” that was released three days ago. The Paperback that runs into 334 pages is well researched and penned by friend Sam Kerr, deserves a wider audience and the pride of place on the bookshelf of Zoroastrian homes and libraries.
Sam originally Sam Kerawalla of the Dadar Parsi Colony, Bombay, but has settled in Australia since several decades. Mr. Sam Kerr is no stranger to most of you, as are his writings on matters Zoroastrians.
This is his first book. We wish him luck in the first edition being a sellout
Rusi Sorabji.
It is published by the Lulu Press Inc.
Its ISBN code is 7891326284848.
Published Date 22 August 2015
Paperback in the popular 8.26” by 5.83” format.
Here is a brief review of the book by the publishers:-
Cyrus the Great lived 599-529 BCE and ruled 559-529 BCE.
The book is a fictionalized historical biography in a chronological order, inferring from the Old Testament
and other legitimate sources in the search for valid clues, including a study into the nature of a wide variety
of peoples, their cultures, habits, inclinations, manner of speaking and way of life of ancient times. The original
Avestan, Old Iranian, Hebrew and Semitic names, assisted by Greek, Latin and Vedic equivalents in the foot-notes have been retained. The addition of fictional material was done with a hope to place emphasis on his humanitarian facets, which changed the prevailing chaotic way of life to a new ‘World Order’ in the, then, known Classical World. He was the first in documented history to be titled ‘The Great’.